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Engaging Physics, Chemistry and STEM curriculum built for student success.

  • Interactive questions & videos designed to replace a textbook.
  • Immediate feedback & automatic grading.
  • Randomized values to prevent copying.
  • Nurturing environment to build student confidence.
  • Ability to Create-Your-Own course.
  • First 5 topics FREE!
  • Now with Google Classroom, Canvas and Schoology Integration.

Teachers- Please reach out to anytime. I am always here to help.


I just finished up my most successful semester teaching ever, and it's 100% due to Positive Physics!
Jeff, High School Teacher from TN
Positive Physics has been HUGELY helpful in my class! I can't thank you enough for your time and effort in making such a student-friendly, clear, easy-to-use platform and for all of the scaffolds you've built in for students with lower math skills.
Catherine, High School Teacher from RI
I am so glad I found Positive Physics! It has replaced my textbook and my students absolutely LOVE it!
Jon, High School Teacher from MA
My students LOVE Positive Physics. It is the best way to build confidence and have students work toward mastery of these skills!
Chris, High School Teacher from CT
I absolutely love Positive Physics! I worked on problems for 3 hours last night and didn't get bored once!
Student from CA
I have been using Positive Physics for my Honors and my AP Physics 1 classes for five years and I cannot imagine ever teaching these classes without this amazing tool. The program is quality and students enjoy using it. Some of my favorite features include:
  • It grades itself, and I can very easily grab the student scores
  • Students get immediate feedback and are given as many opportunities to correct their mistakes as they need in order to learn how to do the problems. This especially helps my struggling students since they are actively learning as they work.
  • Students get different numbers in problems. This means that I can let students work together to figure out how to solve problems, but they each have to ultimately do their own work since they all have different values.
  • Customer service is excellent. If I email Jack, he usually replies almost immediately and is very proactive at explaining, fixing, etc.
  • The cost is almost embarrassingly low. Jack is very motivated to keep the program affordable because he developed it while working at a low-income school. If a school district cannot afford the program, he works with them to find funding. He is an entrepreneur, but I know that this is more of a service to him.
My circumstances are different than most, as I teach honors physics and AP Physics 1 to high-performing high school freshman. I believe that Positive Physics is a big reason that my AP students typically have a very high pass rate (usually about 80%).
Debbie, High School Teacher from NM
I have never used an online source as regularly as I do this one.
Kevin, High School Teacher from KS
Positive Physics is the single best tool to help students learn physics and chemistry, from introductory/college prep level to advanced placement. Students thrive in person and virtually when they work together on the concepts while each using their own given values. Positive Physics has saved us teachers so much prep and grading work, and has benefitted our students thoroughly! 
Elizabeth, High School Teacher from VA
I just wanted to share that for the first time in many years I get the feeling that I am teaching real physics to my students (including those with serious algebra skills deficiencies) and not having to water down the content!
Antonio, High School Teacher from TX
I am writing to tell you how much both my students and I love Positive Physics. I can't tell you how much we ALL wish there was a site like yours for AP Statistics! Of which 67% are also my AP Physics students. This is because my students truly both understand and feel proficient as Physics students. They are the cream of the crop perfectionists; and I have been teaching for 23 years, so I can assure you that I am not exaggerating. To see my students struggling and exasperated by the disparity between the level of difficulty of our text and AP type questions. I felt the same way and shied away from using resources that demanded a better synthesis and knowledge of AP type questions; in which each unit requires additional practice and knowledge from a unit they have not studied yet. They had begun to think they were doomed and the only hope was a TON of AP practice in a very short time frame. Now, they not only feel successful, but they understand AND can apply their knowledge in a Positive and, for lack of a better word, nurturing environment. They look forward to the next Positive Physics Unit and they are also looking forward to reviewing using all of the Positive Physics units as they begin the countdown to Test Day. Thank you!
Tina, High School Teacher from FL
This is the best site I have found for actually guiding students through problems. Many of my students have said that it has been really helpful and they feel like they've learned a lot, even learning on their own from home because of this program!
Molly, High School Teacher from OH
My kids are still being challenged regularly to deepen their understanding of physics. I am so grateful to have such a meaningful tool to use that does not involve extensive planning and developing on my part! I am a big fan of Positive Physics!
Janet, High School Teacher from MI
Positive Physics has fundamentally improved how I teach and how my students learn. Before I discovered this site I relied entirely on worksheets for practice problems. Students could copy answers from one another, or might accidentally leave questions partly blank, or go in completely the wrong direction while problem-solving without realizing it until the end. The responsibility would be on me to resolve these issues, always at the expense of my time and energy, which would have been better spent helping students. My current students now use a 50/50 mix of Positive Physics along with standard worksheets, and I've observed that these students take greater ownership of their learning than previous groups had. My students can now easily gauge their level of comprehension and how much of their work they've completed (using the percentages) and they can identify exactly which types of problems they need help understanding. The different values for each student holds each of them accountable for their own learning, and the autograding has saved me tremendous time which I'm now able to spend helping students or running labs. Best of all, during group work rather than hearing my students say "What did you get for number four?" I now hear them say "How did you do number four?" which is a HUGE improvement. If I were forced to give up all of my teaching resources except for one, I would keep Positive Physics. When factoring in the Assessments and Extra Practice features, it's absolutely the most valuable tool in my arsenal as a physics teacher.
Mike, High School Teacher from MA

Our Team & Our Story

Jack Replinger picture
Jack Replinger
Co-Founder, CEO & Content Creator
2020-2021 Oxford University Skoll Scholar
2020 TFA National Innovation Award Finalist
2018 TFA-Memphis Leadership Award Winner
2015 TN Charter School Teacher of the Year
Anthony Fizer picture
Anthony Fizer
Co-Founder & CTO
2020 Rhodes College Featured Black Entrepreneur
2019 Shelby County Commissioners' Impact Award
Abi Vega picture
Abi Vega
Chief Content Author
2022 Notre Dame-Belmont Teacher of the Year
Soulsville Students Working on Laptops
Soulsville Students
Chiefs of Inspiration & Quality Control
During my second year of teaching, I was watching my class struggle through their midterm exam. It was one of the lowest points of my teaching career, but it would turn out to be one of the most inspirational. DeMarcus, lacking a strong foundation in mathematics, had made an error manipulating an equation; Raven was stuck on the third step of a problem, the step which always seemed to give her trouble; and Josh was just staring at the wall, averting his eyes from the paper, completely intimidated by the words and numbers on the test. My students were frustrated because they desperately wanted to be successful and they could not succeed at solving the problems. And at that moment it hit me, the failure was really my own.
By relying so heavily on long example problems and algebraic formulas as is done in the traditional approach to teaching physics, I was making physics inaccessible to too many of my students who came to me grade levels behind in math and reading. Worst of all, even those students who scored well on the exam, had not understood the larger picture—namely, how the process of solving the problem was a demonstration of a conceptual principle of physics, and they had not experienced any of the wonder and joy of learning physics.
So I started over, because I was determined that any student who sat in my physics class could learn and love physics. Over the last decade, through many trials and with the help and patience of my amazing students and co-workers, I developed a curriculum, I call Positive Physics. After seeing how successful my students were, I decided that this needed to become a website, so students could interact with the curriculum and I could share it with others. At first, everyone I spoke to said that I could not make this happen without a large team and immense financial resources. However, after a pick-up basketball game, I happened to share my story with my friend and incredibly talented developer, Anthony Fizer, and he said he believed we could make this happen ourselves. Less than three months later, my students were testing the first version of
The website that you are using has been revised and edited countless times based on feedback from my students and the amazing teachers who have tested the site. We hope that it helps you have a positive experience learning and teaching physics.

- Jack
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